
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Busy Workload!! Celebrate Deepavali & Hari Raya soon..

Huhhh...too many days i didn't have update this blog. A lots of workload and still in the progress. Anyhow during my busy times, thanks much for tadika wawasan, Ever-U Plastic Industries, Semaian Hijau Gardening, Hexion Chemical, Emerald Capital & so on giving us big supports orders. We will try to complete your orders on time and i will update their design cloth at here soon.

Beside it, To all my dearest kawan-kawan Malay & Indian frens, i wish all of you celebrate a Happy Deepavali day and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitril. Let's enjoy the celebration and take our holidays, yea!!!

Best Regards,
angie khor